Friday, 27 October 2017

Parent Child Report - SQL Developer

  1. To create a parent child report in SQL Developer Click on the View Menu and then Reports.

  2. Once reports is shown right click on User Defined Reports and select New

  3. Give the report a name and in the SQL box enter the sql for the parent report.

  4. Click Apply

  5. Go Back to reports and edit the report.

  6. Click on child reports and enter a name for the child report.

  7. On the tree on the left hand side, expand child reports and click on SQL Query.

  8. Enter the query for the child report.
    In this report the child report ties to the parent report via the deptno number.
    The deptno number of the parent report is referenced by :DEPTNO. The bind variable must be in upper case and must be prefixed with a colon.

  9. Save the report.

  10. Double click the report in the reports tree to run it.  When an entry in the parent report is selected the appropriate children in the child report are shown.

Saturday, 21 October 2017

Drill Down Report - SQL Developer

In SQL Developer you can link one oracle report to another creating a drill down from the first report to the second. To do this we create two reports, the master report and the drill down report.

  1. First I'm going to create a master report based on the dept table.

  2. From the VIEW menu choose Reports.

    Once reports is displayed right click on User Defined Reports and select New Report

  3. The Create Report dialogue is displayed.

  4. Enter the query to select the details of the master report in the SQL section, in this case

    SELECT *
      FROM dept

    and click apply

    The newly created Dept report now appears under User Defined Reports.

  5. Right click on the report and run it.

  6. Next I'll create the drill down report.  This report is based on the emp table which details employees.  Each employee in this table belongs to a department shown in the Dept report above.

  7. As before I'll click on User Defined Reports and choose new report.

    I'll give it a name of emp and under SQL Query I'll enter

    SELECT *
      FROM emp
     WHERE deptno = :DEPTNO

    The where clause ties the drill down to the master report.  It says select records from emp where the deptno, (department number), equals the :DEPTNO bind value passed in.  When referencing a bind value it is always in upper case and always prefixed with a colon.

  8. Next I need to go back to the master report (dept).

  9. Edit the report and choose Drill Down.
    Click Add Report.
    Give the report a name and then under report click the drop down box and select the emp report.

  10. Save the report and then run it again.

  11. Right click on any department.  The employess report is shown in the menu.

  12. Click on employess and the employees report will be run for the selected deptartment

Friday, 9 October 2015

ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: Bulk Bind: Truncated Bind

The example below is raising a ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: Bulk Bind: Truncated Bind

TYPE rec1_typ IS RECORD (len_3          VARCHAR2(3) ,
                         len_5          VARCHAR2(5)) ;
rec1_tab  rec1 ;                 
SELECT 'xxx' a , 
       'xxxxxxxxxxx' b 
  FROM DUAL ;    


   OPEN c1 ;
   FETCH c1 BULK COLLECT INTO rec1_tab ;
   CLOSE c1 ;

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: Bulk Bind: Truncated Bind
ORA-06512: at line 18

The issue is being caused because rec1_type.len5 is defined as a VARCHAR2(5) but the cursor is trying to assign an 11 charater string of 'xxxxxxxxxxx'. In this case the fix is to resize the collection.

TYPE rec1_typ IS RECORD (len_3          VARCHAR2(3) ,
                         len_5          VARCHAR2(11)) ;
rec1_tab  rec1 ;                 
SELECT 'xxx' a , 
       'xxxxxxxxxxx' b 
  FROM DUAL ;    


   OPEN c1 ;
   FETCH c1 BULK COLLECT INTO rec1_tab ;
   CLOSE c1 ;


Thursday, 8 October 2015

Oracle, accessing collections in SQL

In Oracle it is possible to access collections within SQL statements.

With the following collection:

And the following table and data

desc regions
 Name                                                  Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------------------- -------- ------------------------------
 SHORT_CODE                                                     VARCHAR2(2)
 NAME                                                           VARCHAR2(70)

SELECT * from regions ;

-- -----------------------------------------
SE South East
WM West Midlands
SW South West
NE North East

We can write the code below which populates the collection with the short_codes of 'WM' and 'SW' and then use a SQL statement to read the collection and find the corresponding This is possible through the use of the collection condition MEMBER OF


(pl_region_tab    region_tab)
SELECT name 
  FROM regions
 WHERE short_code MEMBER OF pl_region_tab ;

l_region_tab          region_tab := region_tab ();


   -- add values to collection
   l_region_tab.EXTEND ;
   l_region_tab(1) := 'WM' ;
   l_region_tab.EXTEND ;
   l_region_tab(2) := 'SW' ;    
      FOR c1_rec IN c1 (l_region_tab)
         dbms_output.put_line ('Region name : ' || ;
      END LOOP ;      


Region name : West Midlands
Region name : South West

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

For completeness the ddl / dml for the table is:

(short_code       VARCHAR2(2),
 name             VARCHAR(70)

INSERT INTO regions (short_code, name) VALUES ('SE', 'South East') ;
INSERT INTO regions (short_code, name) VALUES ('WM', 'West Midlands') ;
INSERT INTO regions (short_code, name) VALUES ('SW', 'South West') ;
INSERT INTO regions (short_code, name) VALUES ('NE', 'North East') ;

Monday, 21 September 2015

ora-00904 xml invalid identifier

If you have a XML column as part of a table, for example:

 DESC tab_with_xml_column
 Name                                                  Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------------------- -------- -------------
 ID                                                             NUMBER
 XML_DATA                                                       XMLTYPE
 CREATED_DATE                                                   DATE

Then when trying to apply XML functionality to that column errors can occur, eg:

SELECT xml_data.EXTRACT('/userdetails/username') FROM tab_with_xml_column
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00904: "XML_DATA"."EXTRACT": invalid identifier

The solution is to simply enclose the column name within brackets:

SELECT (xml_data).EXTRACT('/userdetails/username') FROM tab_with_xml_column ;


Example 2:

        FROM tab_with_xml_column
       WHERE (xml_data).EXTRACT('/userdetails/username/text()').GETSTRINGVAL()  = 'Fred';




This was tested on Oracle 10 and Oracle 11. The table and data used was:

CREATE TABLE tab_with_xml_column
(id               NUMBER ,
 xml_data         XMLTYPE ,
 created_date     DATE

INSERT INTO tab_with_xml_column
(id ,
 xml_data ,
') ,


Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Validate XML against an XSD using JDeveloper

Validating xml against an xsd can be achieved thorough JDeveloper, (which is available as a free download).

As an example, if we have the following xsd saved in a file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="">   
   <xs:element name="userdetails">     
            <xs:element name="username" type="xs:string"/>         
            <xs:element name="password"  type="xs:string"/> 

and the following xml saved in another file


We can open both the files in JDeveloper. Once opened a reference to the XSD needs to be made in the xml file. Modify the xml file and add the following entry to the initial node


so the file looks like


This adds a reference to the xsd file (a.xsd) which resides in the same file location as the xml.

The xml can be validated by right clicking the xml and choosing Validate XML.

If the xml validates against the xsd the following will be displayed in the messages log.

If the xml is modified by adding an element which is not defined in the xsd

 <newelement>dummy value</newelement>

then when the validation is run an error is displayed

Validating xml with a namespace against an xsd

In the following example the xml is modified to have a default namespace of

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<userdetails xmlns="">

The xsd to validate the xml is show below.  Note the xsd has a reference to the namespace.

<xs:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" 
  <xs:element name="userdetails">
        <xs:element type="xs:string" name="username"/>
        <xs:element type="xs:string" name="password"/>

The xml would require the following two tags to point the xml to the xsd and indicate validation was required

This indicates xml validation


This has two parts, first the namespace followed by a space followed by the name and location of the xsd file (in this case the file is called a.xsd which resides on the web at location )

The revised xml would be:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<userdetails xmlns=""

Further resources

Monday, 7 January 2013

VB .Net, Creating Hello World Example

In this blog entry we are going to create a form in VB .Net.  The user will be able to run the form and enter their name in a text box.  On pressing the submit button the form will display the words Hello and the name entered in the text box.

To create this application we will complete the following steps:
    1. Open up Visual Studio 2012
    2. Create a new project
    3. Add a text box to the form
    4. Set the properties of the text box
    5. Add a button
    6. Set the properties of the button
    7. Add a label to the form
    8. Set the properties of the label
    9. Create the code behind the form
    10. Run the form

      Step 1, Open up Microsoft Visual Studio 2012.

      • Click the windows button
      • Click on Visual Studio 2012

      Step 2, Create a new project

      • Click File
      • New Project

      • In the name field enter a name
      • Click OK.

      Step 3, Add a text box to the form

      A page will appear with a new blank form.
      At the left hand side of the form there is a menu called Toolbox.

      Click on the Toolbox Menu

      • Click on TextBox
      • Hold down the left mouse button
      • Drage th Text Box off the Menu
      • When the mernu disappears drop the text box onto the form.
       The form should now look like this:

      Step 4, Set the properties of the text box

      If we click on the text box on the bottom right of the screen we can see the properties of the text box.  The properties are all the differnt settings of the text box.

      Click on the properites and find name.  Make sure its set to textBox1

      Step 5, Add a button

      • Click on the Toolbox on the left of the form
      • Click on Button
      • Hold down the left mouse button
      • Drag the Button off the Menu
      • When the mernu disappears drop the button onto the form.

      Step 6, Set the properties of the button

      • Click on the button on the form
      • Go over to the properties (bottom right of the screen)
      • Make sure the name is button1
      • Change text to Submit.  When this is changed you'll see the label of the button change from button1 to Submit 

      Step 7, Add a label to the form

      Click on the Toolbox on the left of the form
      Click on Label
      Hold down the left mouse button
      Drag the Label off the Menu
      When the menu disappears drop the label onto the form.
      Put the lavel on the form underneath the button

      Step 8, Set the properties of the label

      • Make sure the name is label1
      • Set the text to nothing
      • Set Minimum Size to 50,0

      Step 9, Create the code behind the form

      • Double click on the button
      • Enter the following code
        • label2.Text = "Hello " +  textBox1.Text
      • between the text Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click and  End Sub
      Public Class Form1
          Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
             label2.Text = "Hello " +  textBox1.Text
          End Sub
      End Class

      Step 10, run the form

      Click the start button on the toolbar to run the form

      How it works


      • The users enters their name in textbox1.
      • The user then presses the button button1.
      • Pressing button1 causes the code behind button1to run.
      • The code behind button1 sets the label (labl1) to the text Hello + whatever text has been entered in textbox1.